5 hours ago
Blacks engage in crimes out of proportion to the rest of the general population simply because of poverty. Poverty breeds crime and you would have the same pattern in impoverished white communities.
Rich and middle class people engage in white collar crime. It's not poverty as much as the absence of strong moral values. And why does it happen? because at least one parent is commonly missing and education is not encouraged. And why is that? I think It can be rooted in the wholesale racism practiced until few generations ago by people who can't be faulted because they didn't know better; they grew up in an environment where racism and slavery were widely accepted. It's not our generation's fault either; we are far removed from slavery times. Obviously is not black people's fault either. It's nobody's fault, but it's everyone's problem. Tough! very tough when we can't point the finger at someone. Yet, it's everyone's responsibility to fix it.